Love and Sex

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Love, intimacy, sex to make your relationship thrive

Love and Sex · 5 min read

This blog explores how love, sex and intimacy are linked, and ways of meeting your partner’s love needs to help you build a lasting relationship that thrives.

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Low sex drive? Here’s what women can do about it...

Love and Sex · 6 min read

We asked registered sex therapist Emma Waring about what causes a low sex drive in women; what affects her desire and how to deal with the causes, so that couples can face any issues together.

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Small ways to show you love and care for your partner, even when you're both busy

Love and Sex · 3 min read

Life is busy. It’s very easy to feel neglected, at the bottom of a long list of priorities. How can you make sure your partner still knows you love and care for them? Here are some great ideas...

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Low sex drive? Here’s what guys can do about it

Love and Sex · 5 min read

We asked a registered sex therapist about what causes a low sex drive in men; what affects his desire and how to deal with the causes of low sexual desire, so that couples can face any issues together

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How full, or empty, is your “love tank”?

Love and Sex · 4 min read

“The greatest gift one lover has to give another, is emotionally attuned attention and timely responsiveness.” Dr Sue Johnson. How can we be attuned to each other's love needs?

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We asked a sex therapist for her top 3 tips on how to improve intimacy in the bedroom (or wherever takes your fancy)

Love and Sex · 3 min read

We asked registered sex therapist Emma Waring for her top 3 tips on how to make sex intimate and exciting, and how to overcome some of the barriers that couples often face in their sex lives.

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