Money · 4 min read
One of the best ways to keep stress and spending levels in check is to do a little planning. Here are our top tips for managing money and making Christmas special.
Communication · 5 min read
We want our communication to build understanding and connection, but sometimes our interactions turn into arguments instead. What causes that, and how can we communicate to grow a closer relationship?
Facing Challenges · 4 min read
The story of how one couple found themselves on ‘separate islands’, experiencing communication breakdown, and one simple thing you can do to prevent yourself sliding into separation and divorce.
Love and Sex · 6 min read
Children change the way you relate as a couple. Lockdown and other stresses will also impact your relationship in unexpected ways. Jenny Peters shares her 3 tips for keeping your love strong.
Love and Sex · 5 min read
This blog explores how love, sex and intimacy are linked, and ways of meeting your partner’s love needs to help you build a lasting relationship that thrives.
Love and Sex · 6 min read
We asked registered sex therapist Emma Waring about what causes a low sex drive in women; what affects her desire and how to deal with the causes, so that couples can face any issues together.