Marriage · 3 min read
This month the couple celebrate their third wedding anniversary. They talked to us about the benefits of being married, the challenges and how they keep their relationship fresh.
Facing Challenges · 9 min read
The Pandemic has challenged us all but there are valuable things we can learn to apply as we come out of lockdown - things that really matter in parenting and will help you stay strong as a couple.
Communication · 2 min read
In the early days of a relationship we see all the positives, but after a while we tend to view our partner through a more critical lens. How can we keep the relationship colourful and beautiful?
Love and Sex · 6 min read
It’s surprisingly common for women to experience times when they have difficulty in getting sexually aroused, so we asked registered sex therapist Emma Waring for her advice for couples...
Facing Challenges · 6 min read
We explore some of the things that are likely to inflame arguments and make them much worse. We also point to healthier ways of managing communication to help you achieve understanding and resolution.
Communication · 3 min read
Who doesn’t love a person with a great sense of humour. But what do we do if the constant banter gets too much? What's surprising is why people joke around a lot and how it can affect a relationship.